Phase retrieval method for digital holography with two cameras in particle measurement

Yohsuke Tanaka, Shunsuke Tani, and Shigeru Murata
Optics Express
Oct. 2016, Vol.24, Issue.22 25233-25241

Research results

In this paper, we derived the conditions for recording a particle using the phase retrieval method with two holograms. The distance between the two holograms affects the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed hologram and the number of iterations. The calibration procedure for this misalignment was also experimentally and numerically demonstrated. The observation of the settling particles was conducted by two high-speed cameras at 4,000 fps as shown in Fig. (a). Blurred particles in Fig. (b) are reconstructed using the Gabor holography. Whereas, fringe patterns and reconstructed particles are more clearly observed using the phase retrieval method shown in Fig. (c). Therefore, we conclude that the phase retrieval method with two high-speed cameras could be used more widely in particle measurement (e.g., dispersed micro particles, plankton, snow crystals, and fuel droplets).


Fig. (a) Experimental holograms of settling particles recorded at 4,000 fps.


Fig. (b) Reconstructed holograms using the Gabor holography without phase.

Phase retrieval

Fig. (c) Reconstructed holograms using the present method with retrieved phase.

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© Measurement System Laboratory, Kyoto Institute of Technology.