
目 次

使用 gnuplot:Version 5.0

convergence 3d_vector


gnuplot homepageにある最新版をインストールして,User Manual (PDF)もダウンロードしてください.

センサ計測(1) SPL分布(レーダーチャート)



SPL Pressure

#define GNUPLOT_PATHでPCにあるgnuplotをプログラムから動かせるようにパスを通します.自分のPC環境に合わせて下さい.

入力データ形式はサンプルデータ(f_SPL_8ch.dat:課題の実験データと異なります.)のように一番左が測定周波数,それぞれのチャンネルの音圧レベルです.動的配列(new, delete)で,任意長さの周波数データに対応しています.使えるとプログラムの汎用性が高まります.ただし,メモリリークには注意が必要です.

direct.hをつかって2種類の画像(PNGとEPS)を保存するフォルダを作成します.PNGはフォルダのサムネイルが更新されるので,すぐ結果を見たいときに重宝します.set terminal pngcairoとset terminal postscript epsあたりが違うだけです.epsはenhancedを付けた方が良いかもしれません.

/************************************************* PROGRAM NAME:Radar_chart.cpp AUTHER: Yohsuke Tanaka DATE: 2015.12.27 **************************************************/ #include <stdio.h>; #include <stdlib.h>; #include <direct.h>; const char* input_file_SPL = "f_SPL_8ch.dat"; //ファイル名 入力データ形式 f ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 const char* fileout = "normal"; //ファイル名 入力データ形式 f ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch6 ch7 ch8 const int min_SPL = 45; //SPLのレンジ最小値 [dB] const int max_SPL = 75; //SPLのレンジ最大値 [dB] /*変数の定義*/ char read_file[100]; /*連番ファイルの文字配列*/ #define GNUPLOT_PATH "C:/PROGRA~2/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot.exe" // gnuplot.exeのある場所 /*gnuplot、入力ファイルへのポインタ*/ FILE *infile1;//入力ファイル FILE *gp; //gnuplot int main() { _mkdir("png");//png画像保存フォルダ作成 _mkdir("eps");//eps画像保存フォルダ作成 int i; double f_Hz,ch1,ch2,ch3,ch4,ch5,ch6,ch7,ch8; double deg[9]; for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {deg[i] = 45*i;} sprintf(read_file,input_file_SPL);//入力データ infile1=fopen(read_file,"rb"); if(infile1==NULL) { printf("I can't open input file!!\n"); exit(0); } int file_length=0; while(fscanf(infile1,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",&f_Hz,&ch1,&ch2,&ch3,&ch4,&ch5,&ch6,&ch7,&ch8)!= EOF){ file_length++; } fclose(infile1); double *ff_Hz,*cch1,*cch2,*cch3,*cch4,*cch5,*cch6,*cch7,*cch8; cch1= new double [file_length]; cch2= new double [file_length]; cch3= new double [file_length]; cch4= new double [file_length]; cch5= new double [file_length]; cch6= new double [file_length]; cch7= new double [file_length]; cch8= new double [file_length]; ff_Hz= new double [file_length]; /*出力連番ファイルの作成*/ sprintf(read_file,input_file_SPL); infile1=fopen(read_file,"rb"); if(infile1==NULL) { printf("I can't open input file!\n"); exit(0); } for(i=0;i<file_length;i++){ fscanf(infile1,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",&f_Hz,&ch1,&ch2,&ch3,&ch4,&ch5,&ch6,&ch7,&ch8); ff_Hz[i]=f_Hz;cch1[i]=ch1;cch2[i]=ch2;cch3[i]=ch3;cch4[i]=ch4;cch5[i]=ch5;cch6[i]=ch6;cch7[i]=ch7;cch8[i]=ch8; } fclose(infile1); //png画像出力 for (i = 0; i < file_length; i++) { if ((gp = _popen(GNUPLOT_PATH, "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); // gnuplotが無い場合、異常ある場合は終了 } int fff_Hz=ff_Hz[i];printf("Saving SPL at f=%d [Hz] as png image\n",fff_Hz); fprintf(gp, "set size square\n"); // 縦横を同じ比率の正方形 fprintf(gp, "set polar\n"); // 極座標 fprintf(gp, "set rrange [%d:%d]\n",min_SPL,max_SPL); // 範囲の指定 fprintf(gp, "unset key\n");//キャプションを非表示 fprintf(gp, "unset border\n");//キャプションを非表示 fprintf(gp, "unset xtics\n");//外枠x軸目盛り見出しを非表示にする fprintf(gp, "unset ytics\n");//外枠y軸目盛り見出しを非表示にする fprintf(gp, "set label 1 '[dB]' at graph 1.01,0.45\n");//単位 fprintf(gp, "set label 2 '90^o' at graph 1.01,0.5 left\n");//接地面を0度として fprintf(gp, "set label 3 '135^o' at graph 0.8,0.85\n");//反時計回りに fprintf(gp, "set label 4 '180^o' at graph 0.5,1.0 center\n");//45度づつ fprintf(gp, "set label 5 '225^o' at graph 0.1,0.85\n");//角度のキャプションを fprintf(gp, "set label 6 '270^o' at graph -0.01,0.5\n");//入れてます fprintf(gp, "set label 7 '315^o' at graph 0.1,0.15\n");//いちいち fprintf(gp, "set label 8 '0^o' at graph 0.5,0.0 center\n");//設定が fprintf(gp, "set label 9 '45^o' at graph 0.8,0.15\n");//面倒です //fprintf(gp, "set label 10 'f=%03d Hz' at graph 0.9,0.08 font 'Arial,15'\n",fff_Hz);//周波数の値です fprintf(gp, "set angles degrees\n"); //角度指定 fprintf(gp, "set grid polar 45\n"); //角度指定 fprintf(gp,"set terminal pngcairo \n"); fprintf(gp,"set output 'png\\plot%03d.png'\n",fff_Hz); fprintf(gp, "plot '-' with linespoints pointtype 7 linewidth 3 lt rgb 'black'\n"); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[0], cch3[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[1], cch2[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[2], cch1[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[3], cch8[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[4], cch7[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[5], cch6[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[6], cch5[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[7], cch4[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[8], cch3[i]); fflush(gp); // バッファに格納されているデータを吐き出す(必須) fprintf(gp, "exit\n"); // gnuplotの終了 _pclose(gp); } printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < file_length; i++) { if ((gp = _popen(GNUPLOT_PATH, "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); // gnuplotが無い場合、異常ある場合は終了 } int fff_Hz=ff_Hz[i];printf("Saving SPL at f=%d [Hz] as eps image\n",fff_Hz); fprintf(gp, "set size square\n"); // 縦横を同じ比率の正方形 fprintf(gp, "set polar\n"); // 極座標 fprintf(gp, "set rrange [%d:%d]\n",min_SPL,max_SPL); // 範囲の指定 fprintf(gp, "unset key\n");//キャプションを非表示 fprintf(gp, "unset border\n");//キャプションを非表示 fprintf(gp, "unset xtics\n");//外枠x軸目盛り見出しを非表示にする fprintf(gp, "unset ytics\n");//外枠y軸目盛り見出しを非表示にする fprintf(gp, "set label 1 '[dB]' at graph 1.01,0.45\n");//単位 fprintf(gp, "set label 2 '90^o' at graph 1.01,0.5 left\n");//接地面を0度として fprintf(gp, "set label 3 '135^o' at graph 0.8,0.85\n");//反時計回りに fprintf(gp, "set label 4 '180^o' at graph 0.5,1.0 center\n");//45度づつ fprintf(gp, "set label 5 '225^o' at graph 0.1,0.85\n");//角度のキャプションを fprintf(gp, "set label 6 '270^o' at graph -0.01,0.5\n");//入れてます fprintf(gp, "set label 7 '315^o' at graph 0.1,0.15\n");//いちいち fprintf(gp, "set label 8 '0^o' at graph 0.5,0.0 center\n");//設定が fprintf(gp, "set label 9 '45^o' at graph 0.8,0.15\n");//面倒です //fprintf(gp, "set label 10 'f=%03d Hz' at graph 0.9,0.08 font 'Arial,15'\n",fff_Hz);//周波数の値です fprintf(gp, "set angles degrees\n"); //角度指定 fprintf(gp, "set grid polar 45\n"); //角度指定 fprintf(gp,"set terminal postscript eps \n"); fprintf(gp,"set output 'eps\\%splot%03d.eps'\n",fileout,fff_Hz); fprintf(gp, "plot '-' with linespoints pointtype 7 linewidth 3 lt rgb 'black'\n"); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[0], cch3[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[1], cch2[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[2], cch1[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[3], cch8[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[4], cch7[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[5], cch6[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[6], cch5[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[7], cch4[i]); fprintf(gp, "%f\t%f\n", deg[8], cch3[i]); fflush(gp); // バッファに格納されているデータを吐き出す fprintf(gp, "exit\n"); // gnuplotの終了 _pclose(gp); } delete [] ff_Hz,cch1,cch2,cch3,cch4,cch5,cch6,cch7,cch8;// 動的配列のメモリは必ず開放しておく }






読み込みデータ(xy格子座標(x, y),渦度(ωz),速度(u, v):2dvec_vortex000001.dat

0 0 -2.000000 0.000000 -0.000000 0 1 -1.956295 0.207912 -0.000000 0 2 -1.827091 0.406737 -0.000000 0 3 -1.618034 0.587785 -0.000000 0 4 -1.338261 0.743145 -0.000000 0 5 -1.000000 0.866025 -0.000000 0 6 -0.618034 0.951057 -0.000000 0 7 -0.209057 0.994522 -0.000000 0 8 0.209057 0.994522 0.000000 0 9 0.618034 0.951057 0.000000 0 10 1.000000 0.866025 0.000000 0 11 1.338261 0.743145 0.000000 0 12 1.618034 0.587785 0.000000 0 13 1.827091 0.406737 0.000000 0 14 1.956295 0.207912 0.000000 0 15 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 16 1.956295 -0.207912 0.000000 0 17 1.827091 -0.406737 0.000000 0 18 1.618034 -0.587785 0.000000 0 19 1.338261 -0.743145 0.000000 0 20 1.000000 -0.866025 0.000000 0 21 0.618034 -0.951057 0.000000 0 22 0.209057 -0.994522 0.000000 0 23 -0.209057 -0.994522 -0.000000 0 24 -0.618034 -0.951057 -0.000000 0 25 -1.000000 -0.866025 -0.000000 0 26 -1.338261 -0.743145 -0.000000 0 27 -1.618034 -0.587785 -0.000000 0 28 -1.827091 -0.406737 -0.000000 0 29 -1.956295 -0.207912 -0.000000 0 30 -2.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 1 0 -1.956295 0.000000 -0.207912 1 1 -1.913545 0.203368 -0.203368 1 2 -1.787165 0.397848 -0.189937 ............ プログラム(2d_vector_with_contour.cpp)の概要

#define GNUPLOT_PATHでPCにあるgnuplotをプログラムから動かせるようにパスを通します.



/****************************************************************************** AUTHER: Yohsuke Tanaka DATE: 2018.08.01 ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __linux #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include <direct.h> #endif const char* xxlabel = "{/Times-New-Roman:Italic=20 x} [pixel]"; const char* yylabel = "{/Times-New-Roman:Italic=20 y} [pixel]"; const char* cb_label = "{/Symbol:Italic=20 w}_{/Times-New-Roman:Italic=20 z} [sec]";///color bar range min const double v_r = 1.0;///magnified ratio for vector length const int x_min = 0;///x range min const int x_max = 30;///x range max const int y_min = 0;///y range min const int y_max = 30;///y range max const int cb_min = -2;///color bar range min const int cb_max = 2;///color bar range max const char* read_file_dir = "01_plot_vec_vorex"; const char* read_file_header = "2dvec_vortex"; const char* write_file_dir = "02_splot_2dvec_vortex_map"; const char* write_file_header = "2dvec_vortex_map"; //Graph parameters for GNU #ifdef _WIN32 #define GNUPLOT_PATH "C:/PROGRA~2/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot.exe" // gnuplot.exe in your PC #endif char read_file[100]; void graph_GNU();//png & eps FILE *gp; //gnuplot FILE *infile; /********************************* MAIN *********************************/ main(){ #ifdef __linux mode_t mode= S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; mkdir(write_file_dir,mode); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 _mkdir(write_file_dir);//png directry #endif int i =0; int UP =0; while(UP==0){ i++; sprintf(read_file,"%s//%s%06d.dat",read_file_dir,read_file_header,i); printf("%s//%s%06d.dat\n",read_file_dir,read_file_header,i); infile=fopen(read_file,"rb"); fclose(infile); if(infile==NULL) { printf("break!"); break; } #ifdef __linux if ((gp = popen("gnuplot", "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if ((gp = _popen(GNUPLOT_PATH, "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); } #endif //PNG image fprintf(gp,"set terminal pngcairo enhanced font 'Times New Roman,15' \n"); fprintf(gp,"set output '%s//%s%06d.png'\n",write_file_dir,write_file_header,i); fprintf(gp,"set multiplot\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"unset key\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set size ratio -1\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set lmargin screen 0.15\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set rmargin screen 0.85\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set tmargin screen 0.85\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set bmargin screen 0.15\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set xrange [%d:%d]\n",x_min,x_max);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set xlabel '%s'offset 0.0,0.5\n",xxlabel);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set yrange [%d:%d]\n",y_min,y_max);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set ylabel '%s'offset 0.5,0.0\n",yylabel);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set cblabel '%s'offset 0.0,0.0\n",cb_label); fprintf(gp,"set cbrange['%d':'%d']\n",cb_min,cb_max); fprintf(gp,"set colorbox vertical user origin 0.8, 0.2 size 0.025,0.6\n"); fprintf(gp,"set palette rgbformulae 22,13,-31\n"); fprintf(gp,"set pm3d map\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"splot '%s//%s%06d.dat' using 2:1:3 with pm3d, '%s//%s%06d.dat' using 2:1:($1*0.0):(%lf*$5):(%lf*$4):($1*0.0) with vectors head filled lt 2 lc 'black' \n",read_file_dir,read_file_header,i,read_file_dir,read_file_header,i,v_r,v_r); fflush(gp); //Clean up Data fprintf(gp, "exit\n"); // Quit gnuplot #ifdef __linux pclose(gp); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 _pclose(gp); #endif } return(0); }







#define GNUPLOT_PATHでPCにあるgnuplotをプログラムから動かせるようにパスを通します.


/****************************************************************************** PROGRAM NAME:Histogram by GNU plot AUTHER: Yohsuke Tanaka DATE: 2022.01.17 ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __linux #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include <direct.h> #endif //out-input file name const char* write_file01 = "dp_distribution_histgram.dat"; //Input file const char* write_file_dir = "00_graph"; //Output file directory const char* output_graph = "histgram"; //Output file name const char* xxlabel = "Diameter [{/Symbol m}m]"; const double min_x = 0.0; const double max_x = 130.0; const char* yylabel = "Frequency"; const double min_y = 0; const double max_y = 100.0; //Graph parameters for GNU #ifdef _WIN32 #define GNUPLOT_PATH "C:/PROGRA~1/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot.exe" // gnuplot.exe in your //PROGRA~1 as Program Files, PROGRA~2 as Program Files(x86) #endif FILE *gp; /********************************* MAIN *********************************/ main(){ #ifdef __linux mode_t mode= S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; mkdir(write_file_dir,mode); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 _mkdir(write_file_dir); #endif #ifdef __linux if ((gp = popen("gnuplot", "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if ((gp = _popen(GNUPLOT_PATH, "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); } #endif fprintf(gp,"set terminal pngcairo color size 1280, 960 font 'Times-New-Roman,30' \n"); fprintf(gp,"set output '%s//%s.png'\n",write_file_dir,output_graph); fprintf(gp, "set border lw 3\n"); fprintf(gp, "set xrange [%f:%f]\n",min_x,max_x); fprintf(gp, "set xlabel '%s' offset 0.0,0.5\n",xxlabel); fprintf(gp, "set yrange [%f:%f]\n",min_y,max_y); fprintf(gp, "set ylabel '%s' offset 2.0,0.0\n",yylabel); fprintf(gp,"set style fill transparent solid 0.8\n"); fprintf(gp,"plot '%s' using 1:2 with boxes lc rgb 'black' notitle\n",write_file01); fflush(gp); //Clean up Data fprintf(gp, "exit\n"); // Quit gnuplot #ifdef __linux pclose(gp); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 _pclose(gp); #endif return(0); }









1つめのsplotで渦度とベクトルを描画した図の上に円柱のマップを重ねて描画しています.2つめのsplotで背景は描画せずに円柱のみを描画することで下にある渦度とベクトルが見えます.($3 == 0 ? NaN : $3)のところで,$3が円柱と背景の値です.0が背景で1が円柱にしています.0でなければ表示しない(NaN)という設定になります.本来はグラフのデータ欠損表現で使います. 円柱は実験画像から二値化などして作成して下さい.時間ごとに変動する物体も応用が可能です.回転する円柱なら,円のフチ辺りに小さい白抜き円があるとわかりやすいです.

/****************************************************************************** AUTHER: Yohsuke Tanaka DATE: 2018.07.27 ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __linux #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include <direct.h> #endif const char* xxlabel = "x [pixel]";///color bar range min const char* yylabel = "y [pixel]";///color bar range min const int x_min = 0;///color bar range min const int x_max = 1280;///color bar range min const int y_min = 0;///color bar range min const int y_max = 1024;///color bar range min const double v_r = 6.0;///magnified ratio for vector length const char* cb_label = "|U| [pixel]";///color bar range min const int cb_min = 0;///color bar range min const int cb_max = 8;///color bar range min const char* read_file_object = "cylinder.dat"; const char* read_file_dir = "02_vec"; const char* read_file_header = "av-vec_v"; const char* write_file_dir = "03_splot_vec_contour_map"; const char* write_file_header = "splot_vec_contour_map"; //Graph parameters for GNU #ifdef _WIN32 #define GNUPLOT_PATH "C:/PROGRA~2/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot.exe" // gnuplot.exe in your PC #endif char read_file[100]; void graph_GNU();//png & eps FILE *gp; //gnuplot FILE *infile; /********************************* MAIN *********************************/ main(){ #ifdef __linux mode_t mode= S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; mkdir(write_file_dir,mode); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 _mkdir(write_file_dir);//png directry #endif int i =0; int UP =0; while(UP==0){ i++; sprintf(read_file,"%s//%s%04d.dat",read_file_dir,read_file_header,i); printf("%s//%s%04d.dat\n",read_file_dir,read_file_header,i); infile=fopen(read_file,"rb"); fclose(infile); if(infile==NULL) { printf("break!"); break; } #ifdef __linux if ((gp = popen("gnuplot", "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if ((gp = _popen(GNUPLOT_PATH, "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); } #endif //PNG image fprintf(gp,"set terminal pngcairo enhanced\n"); fprintf(gp,"set output '%s//%s%04d.png'\n",write_file_dir,write_file_header,i); fprintf(gp,"set multiplot\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"unset key\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set lmargin screen 0.15\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set rmargin screen 0.85\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set tmargin screen 0.85\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set bmargin screen 0.15\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set xrange [%d:%d]\n",x_min,x_max);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set xlabel '%s'offset 0.0,0.5\n",xxlabel);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set yrange [%d:%d]\n",y_min,y_max);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set ylabel '%s'offset 1.0,0.0\n",yylabel);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set cblabel '%s'offset 0.0,0.0\n",cb_label); fprintf(gp,"set cbrange['%d':'%d']\n",cb_min,cb_max); fprintf(gp,"set colorbox vertical user origin 0.895, 0.2 size 0.025,0.6\n"); fprintf(gp,"set palette rgbformulae 22,13,-31\n"); fprintf(gp,"set pm3d map\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"splot '%s//%s%04d.dat' using 2:1:3 with pm3d, '%s//%s%04d.dat' using 2:1:($1*0.0):(%lf*$5):(%lf*$4)::($1*0.0) with vectors head filled lt 2 lc 'black' \n",read_file_dir,read_file_header,i,read_file_dir,read_file_header,i,v_r,v_r); fprintf(gp,"set palette rgbformulae 0,0,0\n"); fprintf(gp,"unset colorbox\n"); fprintf(gp,"unset border\n"); fprintf(gp,"splot '%s' using 2:1:($3 == 0 ? NaN : $3) with pm3d\n",read_file_object); fprintf(gp,"unset multiplot\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fflush(gp); //Clean up Data fprintf(gp, "exit\n"); // Quit gnuplot #ifdef __linux pclose(gp); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 _pclose(gp); #endif } return(0); }



vector house
vector & house




plot '%s' binary filetype=auto with rgbimage,'%s' with vector linecolor rgbcolor 'white'はmultiplotを使ってもかけます.ベクトルの大きさに合わせて色を付けたいのですが,スケールが上手く合わなかったり,グラデーションが出なかったりです.上手くいったら教えてください.(2015.12.28)下記のプログラムで可能です(2018.08.02).

/****************************************************************************** AUTHER: Yohsuke Tanaka DATE: 2018.08.02 ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __linux #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include <direct.h> #endif const char* xxlabel = "x [pixel]";///color bar range min const char* yylabel = "y [pixel]";///color bar range min const int x_min = 0;///color bar range min const int x_max = 1280;///color bar range min const int y_min = 0;///color bar range min const int y_max = 1024;///color bar range min const double v_r = 5.0;///magnified ratio for vector length const char* cb_label = "|U| [pixel/step]";///color bar range min const int cb_min = 0;///color bar range min const int cb_max = 15;///color bar range min const char* read_file_dir = "02_vec"; const char* read_file_header = "av-vec"; const char* write_file_dir = "03_plot_vec"; const char* write_file_header = "plot"; const char* read_back_img = "lowest-intensity.png"; //Graph parameters for GNU #ifdef _WIN32 #define GNUPLOT_PATH "C:/PROGRA~2/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot.exe" // gnuplot.exe in your PC #endif char read_file[100]; void graph_GNU();//png & eps FILE *gp; //gnuplot FILE *infile; /********************************* MAIN *********************************/ main(){ #ifdef __linux mode_t mode= S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; mkdir(write_file_dir,mode); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 _mkdir(write_file_dir);//png directry #endif int i =0; int UP =0; while(UP==0){ i++; sprintf(read_file,"%s//%s%04d.dat",read_file_dir,read_file_header,i); printf("%s//%s%04d.dat\n",read_file_dir,read_file_header,i); infile=fopen(read_file,"rb"); fclose(infile); if(infile==NULL) { printf("break!"); break; } #ifdef __linux if ((gp = popen("gnuplot", "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if ((gp = _popen(GNUPLOT_PATH, "w")) == NULL) { printf("gnuplot is not here!\n"); exit(0); } #endif //PNG image fprintf(gp,"set terminal pngcairo enhanced\n"); fprintf(gp,"set output '%s//%s%04d.png'\n",write_file_dir,write_file_header,i); fprintf(gp,"set multiplot\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"unset key\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set lmargin screen 0.125\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set rmargin screen 0.875\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set tmargin screen 0.875\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set bmargin screen 0.125\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set xrange [%d:%d]\n",x_min,x_max);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set xlabel '%s'offset 0.0,0.5\n",xxlabel);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set yrange [%d:%d]\n",y_min,y_max);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"set ylabel '%s'offset 2.0,0.0\n",yylabel);// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fprintf(gp,"plot '%s' binary filetype=png with rgbimage \n",read_back_img); fprintf(gp,"set cblabel '%s'offset 0.0,0.0\n",cb_label); fprintf(gp,"set cbrange['%d':'%d']\n",cb_min,cb_max); fprintf(gp,"set colorbox vertical user origin 0.895, 0.2 size 0.025,0.6\n"); fprintf(gp,"set palette rgbformulae 22,13,-31\n"); fprintf(gp,"plot '%s//%s%04d.dat' u 2:1:(%lf*$5):(%lf*$4):(sqrt($4*$4+$5*$5)) with vectors head filled lt 2 lc palette \n",read_file_dir,read_file_header,i,v_r,v_r); fprintf(gp,"unset multiplot\n");// <steps in scan>,<steps between scans> fflush(gp); //Clean up Data fprintf(gp, "exit\n"); // Quit gnuplot #ifdef __linux pclose(gp); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 _pclose(gp); #endif } return(0); }



2週目: バンドパスフィルタ



/****************************************************************************** PROGRAM NAME:power_spectrum.cpp AUTHER: Yohsuke Tanaka DATE: 2016.1.17 ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <direct.h> const char* read_spectrum_data = "spectrum.dat"; //Intput file const char* write_spectrum_data = "png\\spectrum.png"; //Output file const int x_max =50; const int x_min =0; const int y_max =3; const int y_min =0; //Graph parameters for GNU #define GNUPLOT_PATH "C:/PROGRA~2/gnuplot/bin/gnuplot.exe" // gnuplot.exe in your PC FILE *gp; //gnuplot /********************************* MAIN *********************************/ main(){ _mkdir("png");//png directry if ((gp = _popen(GNUPLOT_PATH, "w")) == NULL) {printf("gnuplot is not detected!\n");exit(0);} fprintf(gp,"set terminal pngcairo enhanced \n"); fprintf(gp,"set output '%s'\n",write_spectrum_data); fprintf(gp, "unset key\n"); fprintf(gp, "set xlabel 'f [Hz]'\n"); fprintf(gp, "set ylabel 'I^2 [V^2]'\n"); fprintf(gp, "set xrange [%d:%d]\n",x_min,x_max); fprintf(gp, "set yrange [%d:%d]\n",y_min,y_max); fprintf(gp, "plot '%s' with lines lc -1 lw 2\n",read_spectrum_data); fflush(gp); //Clean up Data fprintf(gp, "exit\n"); // Quit gnuplot _pclose(gp); return(0); }













© Measurement System Laboratory, Kyoto Institute of Technology.